Free Motion Quilting Designs Video
Home » Free Motion Quilting Tutorial Library
Free Motion Quilting Tutorial Library
In 2009, I created a blog with a really long name that was eventually shortened to theFree Motion Quilting Project. My original goal was to share 365 free motion quilting filler designs in one year, with a new quilting video and photos shared daily.
Whew! That was a lot of work. It ended up taking three years to complete that original challenge. Once I'd shared so much, I decided to keep going and we now have over 500 designs organized for you, along with several quilt alongs to help you master the basics.
It's nice to enjoy the designs off the screen too, so make sure to check out the book 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs. This is a picture book of the first set of designs shared to the Free Motion Quilting Project and is the largest collection of quilting designs ever published. It's the perfect book to keep near your sewing machine when you can't think of the next design to quilt.
Enjoy using these designs in your quiltsplease share these tutorials with your quilting friends:
Designs 0-100 | Designs 101-200 | Designs 201-300 | Designs 301-400 | Designs 401-500 |
Designs 501-600 | Walking Foot Designs | Mini Block Monday | Friendship Quilt Along | Butterfly Quilt Along |
Building Blocks Quilt Along | Sunshine Quilt Along | Flower Quilt Along | Goddess Quilt Along | Leaf Quilt Along |
Stippling | McTavishing | Pebbling |
Paisley | 1. Shadow Waves | 2. Etch n' Sketch |
3. Gentle Flames | 4. Swirling Flames | 5. Basic Spiral |
6. Echo Shell | 7. Echo Rainbow | 8. Fern & Stem |
9. Henna Fooffy | 10. Sashiko Shell | 11. Moon Paisley |
12. Tree Roots | 13. Wandering Clover | 14. Circuit Board |
15. Flowing Glass | 16. Brain Coral | 17. Spiral Chain |
18. Matrix | 19. Checkerboard | 20. Tree Bark |
Wave Chain | Double Pebble | Striated Earth |
Pine Needles | Pebbles in a Stream | Feather Filler |
Lightning Bolt | Escargot | Cat Hairball Filler |
Trailing Tears | Cartoon Tree | Fossil Snail |
Fiery Comets | Mud Flats | Poinsettia |
Flame Flower | In Stitches | Flame Stitch |
Peppermint Candy | Trilobyte | Sea Algae |
Sea Oats | Television Ariel | Cracked Eggs |
Pug Eyes | Basic Chevron | Cubing |
Pointy Paisley | Mussel Shell | Radio Static |
Greek Key | Spider Web | Heart Paisley |
Broken glass | Wheat in the Wind | Triangle Mosaic |
Curvy Key | Flame Key | Hardwood Floors |
Spiral Tree | Queen of Hearts | Jack of Clubs |
King of Diamonds | Ace of Spades | Flock of Geese |
Dresden Daisies | Sea Anemone | Interlocking T |
Prickly Holly | Chain of Holly Berries | Bamboo Forest |
Little Hands and Fingers | Coffee Beans | Diamonds in the Rough |
Alien Fingers | Boomerangs | Elodea |
Bleeding Hearts | Drunk Pointy Paisley | Cucumber Vine |
Lollipop Chain | Trailing Leaves | Pumpkin Patch |
Chain of Pearls | Concentric Circles | Feather Flower |
Frog Eggs | Stomach Lining | Oil Slick |
Sprouting Seeds | Fossil Bed | Leaf Veins |
Space Star | Flower Ball | Jagged Cosmos |
Spaghetti and Meatballs | Wobbly Cosmos | Super Spiral |
Super Daisy | Matrix Maze |
Enjoy using these designs and please share these tutorials with your quilting friends!
Designs 0-100 | Designs 101-200 | Designs 201-300 | Designs 301-400 | Designs 401-500 |
Designs 501-600 | Walking Foot Designs | Mini Block Monday | Friendship Quilt Along | Butterfly Quilt Along |
Building Blocks Quilt Along | Sunshine Quilt Along | Flower Quilt Along | Goddess Quilt Along | Leaf Quilt Along |
Free Motion Quilting Designs Video
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